Well, hi there! Thanks for dropping by my site! Glad you took the time to visit.
I live in Tennessee with a veritable zoo of animals including one teenage son. Yes, he can be an animal sometimes too! But I love him to pieces anyway.
I have been writing pretty much since I was old enough to hold a pen and knew what to do with it. When I would sleep through my classes in school and skip out on homework assignments the extra credit I received for my short stories always helped me squeak by.
I find that writing is the only thing that keeps the random voices and characters in my head quiet. (Not crazy voices.. LOL)
Other than while in school, my writing was done mostly for myself until much later in life. Now I’m just hoping that all these wacky folks that keep me company so often can be a source of entertainment and enjoyment for others.
Keep dropping by for updates on new releases and availabilities!